This does not include J's variants.More info and download bus: : Chicago DowntownMods in Sky: 4GB:, OMSI 2: Route SB91 to GEBuer Rathaus | NovaBus LFSA, The GHOSTBUSTERS Backlot Movie Coaster! Take a trip back with this classic-liveried Winnipeg Transit D40LF! Weather Warnings & Emergency Notifications, Highest passenger capacity in the industry, Delivers up to 8% fuel savings, reducing overall cost of ownership, Save up to $400,000 in fuel costs over the 12-year life of the battery-electric bus, Hydrogen fuel cell provides long-range operations with a fully zero-emission solution, Versatile charging and range options using depot charging and overhead charging, Lowest noise levels in the industry for Xcelsior CHARGE™, New Flyer’s all-electric bus, Weighs 8% less than previous models achieved through structure optimization and lighterweight supplier components, leading to improved efficiency and lower operating costs, Significant noise reductions achieved through a single reduction rear axle, quieter air-conditioning and improved body insulation, Integrated roof line for hybrid and CNG without added weight & cost, Smart Rider™ ride control system provides computer-controlled motion reduction offering a smoother ride and smoother leveling and height adjusting when stationary, Flatlander™ wheelchair ramp that is integrated with Smart Rider achieves a 1:6 slope ratio with a self-leveling feature giving riders a flatter entry way and can withstand up to 1000lbs. OMSI 2 Liberty Map Route X1 New Flyer C40LF (CNG) OMSI 2 – Liberty City USA Nova RTS Bus. But with soon release of the DDS50 EGR sounds, this'll be at v2.2 in no time (hopefully). MTS D60LF and C40LF in the old scheme and a C40LF in the new scheme! So, this problem is fixed.

Also, welcome to the forum! Vielen Dank! Links to the download page for this skin. How Does Your Brain React To Consuming LSD? OMSI 2 – MAN NL233 CNG ECO BUS (Portugal 2020 Grande Porto) OMSI 2 Scunthorpe LH (Beta) Route 9.