TAR: Some players are unable to complete the mission: “The Battle Of Stonecastle Valley”.RDAR: Waypoints from the previous mission (Grounded) stay on the HunterMate even if the new mission (A Safe Place) is running.Some targets are obstructed for the mission, “Shot for Shot”.Black" on Layton Lake Reserve spawns the Great One bear RCR: The Guided Tour mission series may not progress after reaching certain checkpoints.Cacciatore 12g shotgun does not trigger echo when fired from aim but does when fired from the hip.

This can happen if you quickly complete missions that have unusually long voice dialogues Sometimes the sound of the tripod clanking can be heard when looking through scopes/binoculars.Ambient sounds do not attenuate while aiming.Bird calls cannot be heard while they are in flight.Pumas and mountain lions are not using proper warning calls, only mating calls.Trophy scores shown in the UI for various animals (including the Tundra Bean Goose, Capercaillie, and Mallard), may appear higher than they actually are (due to numbers being rounded up when displayed).Animals teleporting around while drinking.Flying birds fall into a ragdoll state when wounded (but not killed) in the air, and may despawn if they aren’t slain after they hit the ground.Linxes can run in circles while in a calm state.Under game Settings, the default settings shown for reflex sight are incorrect.The high-powered scopes are “wobbly” (jittery crosshairs) when holding breath and aiming.Revolvers do not rechamber when firing from the hip.It is possible to run “into” the lake in Rotonui in TAR.22LR truncated cone bullet is underpowered SRP Bighorn Sheep Outpost - Players spawning in the underground when fast travel.Hudzik Muzzleloader both ammo types have the same zeroing.

Switching ammo type once will synchronize the sight and the ammo When the drilling rifle is first equipped, the rifle ammo is active, but the shotgun iron sight is also active.The Strecker 20G is zeroed incorrectly.= Issues reported after the latest update.= Reported and under investigation/unable to reproduce.❗ If you're experiencing an issue, even if it is listed on this page, please send us a Support request! The more information we have, the better. PlayStation/Xbox HOTFIX: Frequent crashes on consoles, especially prevalent on MAPR.Click here to read the list of resolved issues that accompanied this latest release. Modern Rifle Pack DLC: Simultaneous launch across all platforms.Revontuli Coast DLC: Simultaneous launch across all platforms.